Professionally I help companies deal with information so that work can be done more efficiently. In one company revenue was increased by a factor of 40 without additional administrative staff due to the integration of several devices and software. In another company, the lead time of orders could be shortened by up to 2 days by a combination of visual management and linking of different IT systems.
If there is one thing that I have learned than it is that the more processes are aligned and the more things are automated, the more important data becomes. To start with, the quality of old data is a challenge. The increasing amount of available data for new activities also requires attention. In other words: as software evolves, data management must also keep pace.
I have worked with many programming languages (perl, php, java and C#) but gradually my attention has shifted to SQL and SSIS. According to Josh Wills, a data scientist is someone who is better at statistics than a programmer and can program better than a statistician. I can recognize myself in there somewhere.
Personally, I have successfully applied my data methods to lose weight. 45 Kg in the 1st year, that was nice. As a result, I have made physical activity a healthy habit. A day is not complete without the necessary walk or bike ride. That means less time for my original hobby: home cinema. The intention is to get the drawing room as close to a cinema as possible complete with projector and 3D sound. Of course, that also includes a film collection. As a creative outlet, I am sometimes caught doing some woodworking.